Priest Lake Museum Preview : Preview of the Priest Lake Museum Collection.
Object ID:
Object Name:
Shipman, Nell
Nell Shipman on Dog Sled, with the Peters Brothers, by the Forest Lodge Hotel
VE Exhibit Label 1:
A type—written label on the front of the photograph states: "FOREST LODGE HOTEL, PETERS BROTHERS CENTER, NELL SHIPMAN FAR RIGHT. 1922".
Nell Shipman is standing with her dog sled (six dogs in view) by the side of the Forest Lodge Hotel (right side of the photograph). There is snow on the ground and 4 men (Peters Brothers) are standing on a porch of the hotel.
Search Terms:
Shipman, Nell
Peters Brothers
Dog Sled
Forest Lodge Hotel
Shipman, Nell
Peters Brothers
Click to Enlarge
2009.27.4 Nell Shipman with the Peters Brothers by the Forest Lodge Hotel2009.27.4 Nell Shipman with the Peters Brothers by the Forest Lodge Hotel
2009.27.4 Nell Shipman with the Peters Brothers back of photograph2009.27.4 Nell Shipman with the Peters Brothers back of photograph